Category: Uncategorized

2015 in Review

The 2015 had a lot of ups and downs for me. But I think the positives of this year definitely outweigh the negatives. I started this year off as a senior meteorology major at Northern Illinois University. I was also the President of NIU’s chapter of the American Meteorological Society. I went on my first…

By Brian December 17, 2015 Off

Professional Meteorologist

Sorry for the lack of updates. I’ve been busy busy over the past month and a half. PECAN officially came to a close on July 15th. On my our last mission, we were treated to a little bit of thunder and lightning; however I didn’t do any time lapses. I was sad to say goodbye…

By Brian August 28, 2015 Off

Time Lapses and the Last Week of PECAN

The Plains Elevated Convection At Night field project is quickly coming to a close. We are down to the final week of the project now, with operations officially ending on July 15th. The following day I will be driving back to Illinois, picking up the keys to my apartment, meeting with my new boss, and…

By Brian July 7, 2015 Off

First PECAN Blog Posted

Like the title says, I have posted my first blog about PECAN, as well as some pictures. The blog can be found by clicking on the ‘Storm Chase’ button to the upper left, and then clicking on the PECAN entry. Or, you can just click here.

By Brian May 31, 2015 Off

Officially Ending Daily Forecasts

When I first started this website in Fall of 2010, it was meant to be a way to combine my love of weather and of graphic design. It started out as just a place where I could post daily weather forecasts for Norman, Oklahoma; and then shortly afterwards I included Elgin, Illinois as well. It…

By Brian May 24, 2015 Off


After a long, long five years, I have finally graduated. I am now officially a meteorologist. Moving forward, I leave for PECAN at the end of this month, where I will serve as a team leader. After that, I start my job as an agricultural meteorologist in Washington, Illinois. It’s been a long road, but…

By Brian May 9, 2015 Off

First Storm Chase, and First Tornado of the Year

Well, my first storm chase of the year was a success. Although if feels good to be batting 1.000 so far this year, it’s important to remember this tornado not only destroyed homes and injured people, but also cost one person their life. This is the first tornado I’ve seen that has killed anyone. Very…

By Brian April 10, 2015 Off

First Storm Chase of the Year?

I’ve been watching the severe weather potential for Thursday, and it looks like it could be my first storm chase of the year. There is still plenty of disagreement in the forecast models, but it looks like a midlatitude cyclone may set up in southeastern Iowa, with a warm front stretching across the Illinois-Wisconsin border.…

By Brian April 6, 2015 Off