PECAN: Training and Prep
So, tomorrow is the official first day of PECAN. Since the chances of an MCS are a bit on the lower end, tomorrow we will be doing a shake down/practice run. This way, we can get some practice operating after dark, as well as make sure all our communications work.
Over the past couple days, everyone has been training and getting things ready for the research campaign. My group, the NCAR sounding team, has been learning how to launch radiosondes. It’s pretty easy to do, but as a team leader I really wanted to make sure I have it nailed down; and I do feel pretty comfortable with it.
Yesterday, in addition to training, we had an open house the air little airport here in Hays. The public came out, and we answered their questions and we even launched a couple of radiosondes for them. It was pretty cool seeing just about the whole PECAN project together in one place.
Today, we had some meetings, and took a tour of one of our fixed sites. Then, teams 2 and 3 left for Colby, Kansas and Kearney, Nebraska. Team 1 (my team,) will be remaining here in Hays for one week; acting as the mobile team. Then, next week we will all rotate positions.